Saturday, February 24, 2007

Indianapolis Salsa!

We've finished two months at Indy's IntoSalsa and it's been a great experience thus far. Month 3 begins in March (Advanced Beginner). The key difference in the way Salsa is taught here and was in Pune are the fact that the folks at IntoSalsa (indeed most Salsa schools here, it seems) do not focus on the technique early on at all, which makes it more fun for the beginner who is not constantly being asked to watch the angle of his/her feet. Also, a key stylistic difference is the Salsa here is less spread out - smaller steps, in compact patterns are emphasized over the more showy ballroomish Salsa we see back home in Pune. It is still Salsa though - quick, quick, slow! (or 1-2-3...5-6-7)

Interestingly, I noticed that there are at least three different Salsa organizations in Indy: IntoSalsa, IndySalsa and SalsaIndy...not very creative name-wise, but the websites of all three are very well done and worth a visit if you're into this sort of thing. We're yet to hit a dance floor outside of our class studio and will be doing that early next month!

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